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James: Hey everyone. We're back with a quick update to wrap up the month.

Mistress Cereza: Good morning, darlings!

James: We're heading out for our one week getaway this afternoon. I was hoping to write the Quickie before we left, but ran out of time. It's probably for the best. My brain is mush after five months of writing and editing without an extended break.

Mistress Cereza: You've more than earned a vacation, my diligent bitchboy. Don't even think about looking at anything work related until we return!

James: Yes, Mistress. We'll be back before you know it and I'll write Tutornari Part 2 before jumping into next month's premium story. It looks like that will be chapter 7 of Athena Corp Chronicles unless there's a big change in the voting while we're gone.

Mistress Cereza: Stay cool my naughty cherubs! Summer is upon us, so remember to hydrate before you gyrate!

James: See you next week, Femdom fam. Have a good one!

Mistress Cereza: I guarantee you, we will. *whipcrack*


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