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Whence Cometh Femdom?

  • I had a stern mother figure. 3
  • I had an aggressive / temperamental mother figure. 2
  • I had a cold / distant mother figure. 0
  • My mother or female guardian employed spanking as a punishment. 1
  • I received corporal punishment from a female authority figure somewhere other than home. 2
  • As a child, I enjoyed being chased by girls. 5
  • As a teen, I preferred girls pursuing me to me pursuing them. 5
  • I can recall prominent cultural Femdom influences from my youth. 3
  • I recognized an attraction to dominant women early in my life. 8
  • I recognized an attraction to women in leather / latex early in my life. 6
  • I first discovered Femdom erotica / porn in my teens. 11
  • I first discovered Femdom erotica / porn as an adult. 3
  • My affinity for Femdom was revealed early in my life. 3
  • My affinity for Femdom did not manifest until I was an adult. 4
  • 2021-11-24
  • 56 votes
{'title': 'Whence Cometh Femdom?', 'choices': [{'text': 'I had a stern mother figure.', 'votes': 3}, {'text': 'I had an aggressive / temperamental mother figure.', 'votes': 2}, {'text': 'I had a cold / distant mother figure.', 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'My mother or female guardian employed spanking as a punishment.', 'votes': 1}, {'text': 'I received corporal punishment from a female authority figure somewhere other than home.', 'votes': 2}, {'text': 'As a child, I enjoyed being chased by girls.', 'votes': 5}, {'text': 'As a teen, I preferred girls pursuing me to me pursuing them.', 'votes': 5}, {'text': 'I can recall prominent cultural Femdom influences from my youth.', 'votes': 3}, {'text': 'I recognized an attraction to dominant women early in my life.', 'votes': 8}, {'text': 'I recognized an attraction to women in leather / latex early in my life.', 'votes': 6}, {'text': 'I first discovered Femdom erotica / porn in my teens.', 'votes': 11}, {'text': 'I first discovered Femdom erotica / porn as an adult.', 'votes': 3}, {'text': 'My affinity for Femdom was revealed early in my life.', 'votes': 3}, {'text': 'My affinity for Femdom did not manifest until I was an adult.', 'votes': 4}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2021, 11, 24, 12, 22, 36, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 56}


Hello my cherubs!

I don't know about you, but this is one of the busiest times of the year for me. Suddenly there's only 9 hours of daylight, you're preparing for the holiday season and the weeks slip by like nothing. It can be stressful, even for a self-assured dominant woman, which is why this post is a little late, but we won't dwell on that. On with the fun!

First, lets have a look at our recent polls.

In the "Femdom Preference" poll the vast majority of you were either seeking (or still deciding to seek) an FLR or preferred to leave Femdom to the realm of fiction. A handful of you said you like Femdom play, but prefer to keep it separate from your personal / romantic life. This makes sense to me, given that the internet is a safe place to explore fantasies and not everyone who likes Femdom wants it intertwined in their personal lives. Active, long lasting FLRs are still a pretty rare thing, unfortunately. I wish all of you who are seeking one good luck (and we'll talk about strategies for pursuing one more in the future.)

For the fall Futadom poll, Sybil from Transcendent came out on top with 9 votes. She edged out Asha from Biblical Proportions who received 8 votes. There were a half dozen characters who got 5 or 6 votes, but no one else was in striking distance of those two. Nice picks! I'm sure we'll be seeing more of both Sybil and Asha in the new year!

Ok, now that the book keeping is done, on to the topic!

I've talked before about how difficult it is to gauge where our Femdom tendencies originate from. Since sexual kinks / proclivities don't get enough study, it's hard to say how much is nature and how much is nurture. Today, I'd like to focus on the nurture aspect a bit.

Nature refers to genetics and how much of our traits and proclivities are simply "built in" to us. Nurture, correspondingly, is how those traits might be formulated along the way, from our experiences and cultural influences.

I happen to think that Femdom (and most kink) heavily leans to the nurture side. If there's a Femdom "gene" or a genetic cause for any sexual urge (outside the general urge to procreate) I haven't seen evidence of it yet. On the other hand, I believe most people, if they think long and hard, can probably trace some aspect of their kink tendencies back to instances in their childhood and/or early adulthood.

I've talked with James about this a lot. He reports some interesting memories. For example, as long as he can remember, he always preferred being chased (particularly by girls) when playing "tag" rather than having any interest in doing the chasing. I'm not sure how common that is, but perhaps we can get a better idea with this month's poll.

One might assume this is a genetic trait, given that it arose so early, but that's not necessarily true. It could easily be influenced by the kind of mother and/or female siblings one has and your early childhood experiences. James' mother was loving, but fairly stern. She employed spanking and was more likely than his father to admonish him for wrong doing. I don't think it's a stretch to say these qualities could contribute to nurturing Femdom proclivities in men, but again, I'll be interested to see what our readers report!

As for cultural influences, James has too many to list, so we'll go with a few key ones. I'm well versed in them now, though I liked the second one a lot even before we met. (Warning: some spoilers ahead!):

Five Element Ninjas

A Shaw Bros kung fu movie James first saw in his early teens. Halfway through the film, the main character's clan is wiped out and he is taken captive. Their clan is done in by the sabotage of a cunning femme fatale ninja named Senji.

She sadistically murders one of the main character's most skilled brothers in arms. After being captured, the main character is kept alive only because Senji demands it. He is tied up and taken to Senji's room where she teases him, makes sexual advances and reminds him he is only alive because she wishes it.

Aeon Flux

Another formative work James watched as a teen. This one probably doesn't need a lot of explanation. Sexy super heroine spy / assassin who wears latex, but doesn't cover up too much. She is portrayed as almost purely dominant except in a couple romantic scenes where she lets her love interest (and assassination target) take over. Whether she enjoys switching it up occasionally or is simply being tactical is left to your imagination.

She is super confident, deadly, fiercely independent and often toys with men, both physically and emotionally. In one episode, she enjoys a BDSM session with one of her playthings. She threatens to kill him, then laughs it off as a joke. Aeon roughs him up a bit before pushing him to try electro stimulation to the nipples, but he chickens out. (Even 90's era MTV probably couldn't get away with that!)

If you've never seen the original animated series, I recommend giving it a watch. It has some of the best writing you'll see in an animated show and it's definitely been an inspiration for James' work.


You knew this one was coming. The videogame Goddess of Femdom and she who I adopted my internet moniker from! She didn't arrive until well into James' adulthood, but she certainly left a big impression. Let's just say he had a hard time keeping both hands on the controller (for which he was punished many times.)

Godly powerful pole-dacning witch and infernal seductress whose outfit looks like leather/latex but is actually her own hair wrapped around her body. Skilled with guns, blades and summoning demons from the depths of hell in equal measure.

So, that covers some of James' big ones, but what about little old me?

I suppose my influences have a more "classic" vibe to them. If I had to summon a couple of my faves, Wonder Woman and Betty Paige come to mind. It was always fun seeing Diana Prince tie up men with her "lasso of truth." And Betty Paige, often clad in dominatrix attire, was an early hint of what a better, female led future might look like.

How about you? Do you recall your early Femdom influences? I'd love to hear about them if you're willing to share in the comments!

Wow, this turned into a long post! And below you'll find a long poll with lots of options. Please vote for ALL the statements that apply to you. Thanks in advance for contributing to my Femdom research!

That's all for now my horny bitch boys and devious Dommes! I'll see you next time. Until then, stay tuned for your next smutty story.

Yours Truly,

Mistress Cereza


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