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James: Hey everyone! Welcome to summer!

Mistress Cereza: Hello, darlings.

James: In the last couple days I made second passes on the latest Quickie and Chapter 6 of Mistress Cruel Love. Chapter 3 also got a fresh edit. You'll find the updated versions of all three stories available for download.

Mistress Cereza: And don't forget, the Patron Rewards Story Bundle is regularly updated with all the newest content. If you want the most recent versions of each story, be sure to download it once in a while.

James: Every now and then I'll get an exit survey from someone saying "I had trouble accessing my rewards." My only question is... how? I can't make it any easier than by putting all the story content in one download on the sticky post at the top of the page.

Mistress Cereza: Maybe some people aren't accustomed to zip files? Younger folks, I presume.

James: I pity anyone growing up in today's digital hellscape. The internet was so much more fun when it was a wild west of bulletin board services and the web was still undiscovered country. Now it's a giant strip mall where everyone uses the same few dozen websites, the commercial advertising is constant and your every move is tracked.

Mistress Cereza: Ok, gramps! The kids have been notified to get off your lawn. What's up next?

James: Latex Futa Nuns From Hell won the poll, so I'll be getting started on Chapter 14 soon. Expect that in a week or so. After that, I'll be writing two more commissions this month. Three full length stories are on the way.

Mistress Cereza: Sounds like a busy month. Stay cool, kiddos! We'll see you soon.


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