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Living The Dream

  • Casual Femdom - Date nights and sexy time only, please! 12
  • Lifestyle Femdom - Loving TPE Lite 24/7 like Mistress Cereza & James. 22
  • Hardcore Femdom - Full TPE Slavery. Objectification. Nothing but a servant and toy for a woman to use. 11
  • 2021-05-12
  • 45 votes
{'title': 'Living The Dream', 'choices': [{'text': 'Casual Femdom - Date nights and sexy time only, please!', 'votes': 12}, {'text': 'Lifestyle Femdom - Loving TPE Lite 24/7 like Mistress Cereza & James.', 'votes': 22}, {'text': 'Hardcore Femdom - Full TPE Slavery. Objectification. Nothing but a servant and toy for a woman to use.', 'votes': 11}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2021, 5, 12, 3, 25, 35, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 45}


I've talked about the kind of Femdom James and I prefer many times. While we enjoy dialing up the S&M element on occasion, we're primarily a loving Femdom couple. Gentle Femdom is my vibe. James is a 100% bottom and 20% masochist to my 100% top and 20% sadist. We're a perfect match in that regard.

I've been less specific about the dynamics of our FLR (Female Led Relationship) for several reasons. It's a bit personal, obviously. I wasn't sure if anyone would find it particularly interesting. And, finally, our relationship has been evolving since this Patreon was created.

Now that James is working from home and on his own schedule, it's opened up more opportunities for us to play and enjoy the lifestyle. That's been my favorite aspect of this entire venture (no disrespect to my slut's excellent stories.)

When both partners are working a regular 9-5, that can make finding time and energy for anything but casual Femdom very difficult. In the past, most of our play was on the weekends. Now we have a bit more flexibility. An FLR extends beyond play, naturally, but without the "scene" elements Femdom can lose a lot of its luster, especially when you're latex fetishists and bondage fiends like we are.

These days, our arrangement is what I would describe as TPE (Total Power Exchange) Lite. What I say goes. I make the major household and financial decisions. When I want pleasure or I'm i the mood to inflict pleasure and/or pain, James submits. He writes his stories, promotes his work and handles most of the household chores. I continue to work my day job.

It's an excellent partnership, especially since I don't need to worry about household upkeep after a long, stressful day. Without getting too specific, I work in a Health and Sciences field that's gotten much more hectic since the pandemic started. Coming home and just being able to relax and unwind is a god-send. And it leads to more chances to play and enjoy ourselves, which is the best gift of all.

Although it's within my power, I don't go so far as to micromanage James' life. I don't pick out his clothes every day or tell him what to eat for breakfast. As much as the idea of locking him in latex all day appeals to me, I have to consider he might need to run to the store or answer the front door! Perhaps some day we'll live in a glorious society where men can be consigned to gimp slavery all day without freaking the average person out, but we're not there just yet.

That said, James and I do embrace a true 24/7 Dom / sub relationship. I have no qualms about making my slut boy wear one of his collars in public, forcing him to don latex / leather / lingerie under his clothes or bossing him around and slapping his ass when we're out shopping. Our Femdom dynamic is lighthearted, but constant. I'm only severe with him when he's earned punishment or when I want to spice things up quickly.

Now you've learned a little more about how our FLR works. That begs the question... What level of FLR do you desire? You'll find the poll below. Remember, there are no wrong answers.

Keep your eyes peeled my slutty bottom bitches and divine Dominas! New stories are on the way. Until then... stay naughty.

Yours Truly,

Mistress Cereza



Thank you for sharing your relationship dynamic. You remind me of my last femdom relationship. My Mistress was a self proclaimed “loving sensual domme”. We paired together very well in that regard because as a bottom I need a firm but gentle hand and love to give service to my domme. We were (still are) leather fetishists, which sealed our bond even tighter. So in the link realm we were a perfect match. However, we never really clicked in the vanilla part of the relationship. It was incredibly painful to separate, but we never could square that vanilla circle. I miss her everyday. I’m happy you two have each other.


Mistress Cereza: I'm sorry to hear your FLR came to an end, Alfie. I can only imagine how much it hurts to detach from someone you shared that much with. I hope it helped you grow and you'll always carry good memories from your time with her. Chin up until you find your next one (if that's what you want.) There are other leather Goddesses out there waiting for a devoted sub like yourself.


Speaking of Leather Goddesses... that’s a fantastic pic of Heike you have there. She really is the queen of leather fetish.