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Stuck In The Mire With You

  • Hell yes! Femdom in the muck, please! 10
  • It's not my fetish, but the right partner could talk me into it... 6
  • No mud sex for me, thanks. 18
  • 2021-04-17
  • 34 votes
{'title': 'Stuck In The Mire With You', 'choices': [{'text': 'Hell yes! Femdom in the muck, please!', 'votes': 10}, {'text': "It's not my fetish, but the right partner could talk me into it...", 'votes': 6}, {'text': 'No mud sex for me, thanks.', 'votes': 18}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2021, 4, 17, 10, 30, 32, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 34}


Mud. If you've been reading James' stuff for a while, you've probably noticed it's a minor theme running through his work. You may have guessed that James and I have a thing for it. It's one of our mutual fetishes. What's interesting is I didn't know I had a thing for mud until I read chapter 3 of Bayonetta's Abuse. I'd been to a mud bath before and enjoyed its relaxing effects, but I'd never thought of it in a sexual context until I read that story. From that day forward, I couldn't wait to find a mud pit to plow my slut boy's ass in.

Mud kink is part of a larger fetish called WAM (wet and messy.) It covers everything from mud and paint to edibles like whipped cream, peanut butter and cake batter. James and I aren't so much into the edibles (although a little whipped cream on one's naked body can be fun now and then.)

We focus mainly on mud and clay. Getting down and dirty in the deepest, thickest, sludgiest pit we can find, usually while wearing latex. That's what we enjoy more than anything else. So what is it about mud? And why does there seem to be a strong correlation between mudders and latex fetishists? Let's explore.

Our sexual connection with mud probably goes back ages, given the primal feeling it instills, but in a modern context you can trace it to classic films. You might remember seeing quicksand portrayed in various movies and cartoons. Often the victim is a classic "damsel in distress" although sometimes there are male victims, such as in Lawrence of Arabia.

The irony is, with real life quicksand it's almost impossible to sink down farther than waist level. Once the sand has claimed half your body, an equilibrium is formed. It might be tough to get out of, but it's almost definitely not going to kill you. Yet Hollywood loves to portray it as deadly.

Mud, clay and tar can be much more dangerous. You have to known what you're getting into and take precautions, but as long as you know how deep it is you'll probably be fine. Mud or clay pits deeper than your body height are very rare. Most deaths by mud come from mud slides, not people seeking erotic thrills.

WAM also pops up in pop culture from time to time in the form of "mud wrestling." This is almost always done as a spoof, having two women play-wrestle in a pool with a thin layer of mud, pudding or some other gunky substance. Hardcore WAMers will likely yawn and roll their eyes at this unless they're really desperate for a visual fix.

This is a kink that's been catered to online for a long time. James discovered his love for mud much earlier than I did (in his teens.) He reports seeing mudding videos from studios like Mud Puddle Visuals as early as the late 90s. Wow, they're still around!

Those early videos were mostly women lounging in mud, stroking themselves and making eyes at the camera. There's a wider variety of x-rated mud videos online today, but still not a lot of them, since it remains a niche kink. Femdom mud videos exist, but they're almost never in deep mud. :-( Barnyard domination and pony play videos are more common.

So why does mud hold so much potential for erotic thrill? There are several reasons, most of them the result of established taboos. The taboo of DANGER that our culture has promoted (even if it's mostly mythical) is a big one. The second taboo should be obvious: You're getting DIRTY! Oh so dirty... Also there's the "primal" aspect I mentioned earlier. Doing anything sensual or sexual in mud and clay has a very animalistic feel and pre-historic energy to it. It's easy to envision yourself as a caveman or cavewoman, fucking in earthy, natural filth.

But there's an even deeper reason that my muddy bitch boy and I have agreed upon. If you want to understand a fetish, you have to ask yourself what psychological need it fulfills. We believe mudding delivers the same kink fulfillment that latex does: INTIMACY. Mud, like latex, is an inanimate lover. It grips you. It sucks on you. You can feel it all over your body, caressing and clinging to you. It can even serve as a type of bondage.

And what happens when two lovers of Femdom, latex and mud unite those kinks: making out, pegging and rutting in sucking, sticky clay? The best sex of their lives! That's what.

Needless to say, this isn't something we do often. It takes a lot of preparation, the proper weather, the right spot and there's a lot of cleanup after. But when we can make it happen... whew! I'm getting hot just thinking about it.

Fun little poll, below. That's all for now my lovelies! Enjoy the weekend and stay tuned for more content. You have two more stories coming before James and I leave for a one week getaway. See you soon!

Yours Truly,

Mistress Cereza



you've laid it out pretty well. I'm going to make a bold proclamation and say that WAM is a boomer fetish just based on the cultural touchstones that you've listed. No judgement it's just something that i haven't come across in any of the hentai or erotica i've read.


It's true I haven't seen much WAM in hentai or erotica, but I think that's more a product of it being a relatively rare fetish than anything generational. Rare fetishes don't get as much attention in pop culture, or even alternative XXX culture, which makes sense. You probably haven't seen much "looner" porn, hentai or erotica either, but the balloon fetishists are out there, and they are not exclusive to any one generation. For the record, neither I or Mistress Cereza are anywhere near old enough to be classified as Boomers. She's Gen X and I'm a "Xennial", having been born on the dividing line between Gen X and Millennials.