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James: Hey everyone! We're back.

Mistress Cereza: And Spring has sprung!

James: Yes, it's so nice out! Wish I had more time to be outdoors.

Mistress Cereza: Make time, slut. Your work isn't going anywhere.

James: Yes, Mistress. I've been busy working on the Bayonetta's Abuse Cleanup Project.

Mistress Cereza: What's the ETA on that?

James: I'm hoping to have it done by the end of the week, but we'll see if that's possible. The editing is taking longer than I hoped. My writing from 8-10 years ago leaves a lot to be desired.

Mistress Cereza: I'm sure they'll read wonderfully when you're done. Just don't go full George Lucas on them.

James: Oh, I'm not. Most of the changes are just for readability. Others are minor, like changing "Playstation 3" to "game console." Or there's a scene where Jeanne says "I wish I brought a camera" which seems rather silly now that everyone has a camera in their pocket. Hell, it was probably silly at the time I wrote it. I just wasn't big on smart phones yet. In any case, there are no changes being made to the plot, sex acts or themes. This is solely so they read better.

Mistress Cereza: What about this month's Quickie?

James: I have a couple great ideas for Quickies, so I'm definitely going to do one this month even though I'm tackling two commissions on top of usual monthly premium story. I should mention though, in future months I may continue to tackle two commissions a month (in order to move the commission queue along faster.) When I do that, I may need to skip the Quickie sometimes. That doesn't mean you'll be getting less content. You'll be getting more, technically. It'll just be an extra full-length story instead of a short story. If I feel I have enough time, I'll still write the Quickie. They've been quite popular and I do enjoy writing them.

Mistress Cereza: That's fine my love, just don't burn yourself out. You've been pulling a lot of long nights lately. I want a well rested slut in my dungeon for play time.

James: Yes, Mistress ^__^;;;

Mistress Cereza: Oh, and a final reminder! You have 48 hours left to vote in the Monthly Writing Poll! It looks like Latex Futa Nuns From Hell is running away with it, but that could still change!

James: That's all for now! Be back soon with your Quickie.

Mistress Cereza: Au revoir!


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