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James: Forgive me Mistress, for I have sinned. I have once again written fan fiction.

Mistress Cereza: *snicker* Well, if you're going to write a smutty Star Wars story, I can't imagine a title better than that one.

James: I knew you'd appreciate my punny humor!

Mistress Cereza: Always, dear. Wasn't Carrie Fisher one of your crushes, growing up?

James: Ohhhh, yes! She was one of my first film crushes in Star Wars and she was smoking hot in The Blues Brothers as well, which I didn't see until I was older. Regardless, she had serious Femdom energy.

Mistress Cereza: I concur. If I had a single bisexual bone in my body, I would've been crushing on her too. As it stands, I'll just have to accept that you've taken one of the few leading women I had to look up to as a kid and turned her into another sex-crazed Futa.

James: Leviath did it first!

Mistress Cereza: Whatever...

James: You mad? :->

Mistress Cereza: Not really, no. ;-)

Full res art: https://i.postimg.cc/r8mVMGjT/Quickie-013.jpg

Artist: Leviath (now Nihilophant)



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