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James: Back again with update #2 for the month!

Mistress Cereza: Hello, my cherubs.

James: Lots to go over today, so let's jump right in. First of all, the cover art for Latex Futa Nuns From Hell is coming along nicely. Although, it must be said, the artist has been dragging his feet...

Mistress Cereza: Ooooh, looking good! The quality is there. It's a shame about the pace of his work. Has he started the back cover yet?

James: Nope. My fault for not demanding a timetable. I'll remember that for next time.

Mistress Cereza: Speaking of timetables, what's yours look like?

James: You can expect Biblical Proportions in the next 24 hours or so. Chapter 1 of Athena Corp Chronicles will be in early November. I don't want to give a date because whenever I do, I end up needing one more day than I thought.

Mistress Cereza: So you did deliver four stories this month! Or very nearly.

James: Yes, and it damn near drove me mad. When I said "we'll get back to four stories a month" I conveniently forget that all those chapters of Enslaved By Sorority Sluts I released earlier this year were written late last year. Which means, I've never actually been writing four stories a month, and there's a reason for that. I would've burned out by now if I had tried to keep up that pace. Some authors do that with no problem, but I'd like to think my stories are written and edited to a higher standard of quality. Mine take more time. I think three a month is the best I'll be able to do going forward and still retain my sanity.

Mistress Cereza: Health always comes first my love. You should plan a second vacation before the year is over. You've only had one all year.

James: Yeah, I'm thinking I might take the last couple weeks of the year off. Christmas time / New Years is crazy enough on its own.

Mistress Cereza: A fine idea, slut. Anything else?

James: Yes, there's one other thing I've been wanting to mention. Now, I'm not saying it's going to happen, but it's certainly possible this account could get nuked by Patreon at some point in the future. It seems to happen to artists more than authors, but Patreon is very finicky about what adult content they allow and what they don't. If they ever decide to lock my account and I can't get it resolved immediately, I'll likely be moving to one of their competitors.

Mistress Cereza: Makes sense.

James: Hopefully we never have to deal with that, but I thought I'd give the patrons a heads up. Let them know what to expect if something like that happens. It certainly wouldn't end my endeavor. I'd pop up somewhere else relatively quickly. Also, I'm keeping a hard copy of my Patron list, updated every month, so I have all your email addresses on file. I'll be able to reach out to you in the event of such nonsense.

Mistress Cereza: Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.

James: Exactly.

Mistress Cereza: If that's all, see you soon patrons!

James: Two stories coming in the next week. Enjoy!


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