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James: Hey everyone! Sorry for the wait. Something came up and I needed an extra day to finish up the story. Here's the sexy conclusion to Bayonetta's Abuse!

Mistress Cereza: It's perfect!!! Thank you so much my love!

James: You're most welcome, Mistress. It's Bayonetta fanfic, but you were the real inspiration for this series. All thirteen chapters.

Mistress Cereza: Naughty slut! You know me too well. Flattery will get you everywhere... Someone's getting an extra long session in the dungeon tonight!

James: ^__^;;;



Fantastic chapter, nothing wrong with some romance from time to time. Plus you get brownie points for playing one of my favorite Frank Sinatra songs at the end.


Bayonetta is a woman of exceptional taste. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_KkKflbKJzg