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Femdom At The Movies

  • My Mistress 0
  • Bonding 0
  • R100 4
  • Prison School 4
  • I will gladly watch all of these. Thank you, Mistress! 3
  • 2020-08-16
  • 11 votes
{'title': 'Femdom At The Movies', 'choices': [{'text': 'My Mistress', 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'Bonding', 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'R100', 'votes': 4}, {'text': 'Prison School', 'votes': 4}, {'text': 'I will gladly watch all of these. Thank you, Mistress!', 'votes': 3}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 8, 16, 11, 21, 41, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 11}


Hello darlings! Hope you're enjoying the summer. I know James and I certainly were during our break last month!

On that subject, today's topic is Femdom in pop culture. Particularly in films and TV that my talented bottom bitch and I got to enjoy during our vacation. I'm going to write some brief reviews and link to relevant trailers and clips for you to check out if you're so inclined.

My Mistress (2014)

I have very mixed feelings about this little Australian independent film. On the one hand, it's authentic in its approach to sex work, fetishes and kink. On the other hand, it relies on a trope that I strongly dislike: that the main (submissive) character is exploring kink in reaction to trauma and a poor family life. (Why can't people just be kinky because they enjoy it?)

I won't go into more detail than that because I don't want to spoil an early plot development, but needless to say, I thought it was lame way to start the movie. I understand that movies need friction to create tension and move the plot along, but frankly, James, or even I, could've written something better. This film also devolves into a lot of eye rolling relationship drama near the end, not all of which makes a lot of sense.

The film has a saving grace in that it's a rare portrayal of an older woman / younger man relationship. In fact, the young man is barely old enough to call a man. He's sixteen (which is the age of consent in Australia) and paired with a 50 year old woman. The beautiful French actress Emmanuelle Beart certainly does not look 50. If you like a mature Domina, you're going to love her.

Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQfzaMrayPg

In between her growing relationship with the young Charlie, you get to see Maggie (the Dominatrix) tackle several of her older clients. She subjects them to all kinds of bondage, humiliation, pet play and more. To the film's credit, it does an excellent job of portraying the life of a dominant female making a living as a service top.

Warning: Maggie does go a little crazy at one point and continues flogging Charlie even after he uses his safe word. It's brief, but there is a scene of non-con.

I'd like to give the movie a higher score, but the mediocre drama won't allow it. Still, since serious Femdom films are rare to begin with, it's probably worth a look. You can find this one on YouTube and Amazon Prime.


-1 If you can't stand melodrama

+1 If you love older woman / younger man

+1 If leather / latex fetish or cold / stern Domina is your thing

Bonding (2019)

I don't have a lot to say about this little Netflix series. It is not a Femdom show. It is a college relationship drama series that uses Femdom and kink as a backdrop. The main character is a psychology student who funds her education through Femdom and she hires a gay friend to be her assistant. It's quite amusing at times, yet tackles some serious relationship issues and problems that arise while navigating the world of S&M.

Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XXuBwwZvruI

It's mostly light-hearted and enjoyable, but it didn't blow me away. It's kind of a guilty pleasure. There's only one season of it so far (although more is coming) and you can watch it in tiny, bite sized episodes or marathon the whole thing in two hours (which is what we did.)


-1 If you strongly prefer serious Femdom

+1 If kink / Femdom themed comedy sounds enjoyable

R100 (2013)

And now we enter the realm of the truly and wonderfully bizarre. This film is, for lack of a better term... A LOT! It does not follow a single narrative trajectory like most films. It cannot be categorized into an established genre. It defies all convention (which I love about it.)

Is it a Femdom film? Unequivocally, yes it is. I'll let the trailer spell out its basic plot, since it does so very well. I will tell you, however, that this movie goes so completely off the rails (in a good way) that the plot doesn't even begin to describe its weirdness.

Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Np5sfG3Cdw

This movie breaks the fourth wall several times. Just when you think the craziness has reached its zenith, the BBW QUEEN DOMINATRIX shows up to turn the insanity to 11. This is a Femdom movie made by crazy people in the best tradition of Japanese weirdness.

Warning: This movie does (sort of) stray into non-con territory. The main character signs a contract stating there is no safe word / release, so this is somewhat ambiguous (consensual non-consent.)

If there's only one item from this list that you watch, I hope it's this one, because more people need to see this weird little gem. The director claims that only people who are 100 or older can truly understand the film (which I suppose is why it's called R100.) I happily take him at his word. R100 is available on Amazon, YouTube and GooglePlay.


-1 If you're a little bitch who doesn't want to read subtitles

-1 If you don't like weird Japanese cult films

+1 If you like bizarre / WTF cinema

+1 If you enjoy hot Asian women humiliating and abusing the masochist main character

Prison School (2015)

Here's another guilty pleasure, but one that was much more enjoyable for us than Bonding. James and I are both anime fans, although I watch significantly more anime than he does these days. James is very picky about which anime he'll invest time in. I'll give almost anything on Netflix a go when I'm in the mood. But this silly series? He enjoyed it at least as much as I did. In fact, he probably liked it more. Why? Two words: Meiko Shiraki.

There she is. James' type. Tsundere librarian from hell with massive breasts that would break any poor woman's back *rolls eyes* and her character is the quintessential Femdom. This series is ostensibly a buddy comedy about poorly behaved high school boys who get in trouble and try to help each other escape "prison school", but really it's a giant excuse for fanservice. It's silly, fun and mostly charming despite its Ecchi roots.

I would type more but I feel these two links will say more than I ever could. The first is a glimpse of the first episode (watch as much of it as you like to get a feel for the series.) The second is a hilarious music video I linked on our Twitter account not long ago.

Episode 1 (hot-linked to a certain hilarious event): https://youtu.be/Bc9tzr97UcQ?t=673

"One Moist Mama" Music Video: https://twitter.com/JamesBondage789/status/1289035287985885185

Am I going to put together a Meiko outfit for my Femdom wardrobe? I am, aren't I? Ah, the things we do for love...

We haven't had time to watch the entire series yet, but based on what I've seen so far, I can recommend Prison School for the laughs alone. Plus it has a surprisingly good dub! Prison School can be streamed on Hulu and many of its episodes can be watched for free on YouTube.


-1 If you're not into anime

-1 If you don't like over-excited characters yelling their dialogue

+1 If you enjoy the idea of pervy young men being imprisoned by their female classmates

+1 If Meiko Shiraki takes you to your happy place

+1 If you like surprisingly smart and funny dialogue in an Ecchi series

This certainly was a "meaty" edition of Mistress Speaks, hmmm? I hope you enjoyed it and found something new and interesting to watch.

Poll below! Which film / series intrigues you the most?

Be sure to let me know what you think in the comments as well! Your own views on these works would be nice to hear. Or you can just praise me for my impeccable taste. ;-)

Enjoy what's left of the summer, my cherubs! See you next month...

Yours Truly,

Mistress Cereza



Did you ever see the 1997 film 'Preaching to the Perverted'? I remember it being very weird, but certainly femdom related.


Mistress Cereza: Yes, I have! I remember liking it to some extent, but it's been a long time since I've seen it. Perhaps I'll give it a re-watch before I do another review post.