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Mistress Cereza: Making them wait till the last minute again? You're terrible.

James: Sorry! It's been a crazy week, but I was determined to get this out before the end of the month.

Mistress Cereza: And you did so at the buzzer. I guess there's something admirable in that?

James: Thank you Mistress! I think? This is the first draft, but I'll be replacing it with a QA'd second draft before long. So if you snag this story right away, be sure to grab the update later. Enjoy!

Mistress Cereza: Byyyyeeee! See you in June for more kinky fun!



Apart from the futacock, the plot thickens lol. I liked the intro to your new character Ruko, look forward to seeing performing some latex medical play 😈. Do you have any picture ideas of how she would look, like you did for Jessica, Viviene, and Vicky?


Good idea! Since Ruko is going to be in the spotlight in the next chapter, I'll find a good picture to go with that post.