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Each year we run around to make the holiday season everything our families hearts desire. We break necks to get decorations up, food on the table and check as many things off the list as possible... & God willing every year we make that shit happen one way or another. Just want to say shout out to you, for coming through another year and holding it tf down!!I know this shit is not easy, yet here we are! Made it to another year despite all the bullshit. Survived another year of lessons and another year of parenting (to those of us that parent). Hell parenting could even be to yourself! Re parenting self is a journey. Either way adulting is hard, especially during the holidays. It can feel impossible, isolating and heavy. This season was beautiful for me and my family and still I faced feelings of "not being enough " shit, even with the new year, I'm facing bouts of am I enough? Have i done enough and do I have enough. Want you to know you are enough as i remind myself the same. Life is about living not about stressing over what we dont have. Life is about love and thats free! To another year of gentle lessons and unconditional self love! Sending BIG love tribe!


Love You!!



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