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Hey Y'all!

This month we are focusing on building confidence and one of the ways that I have built more confidence, lessened my anxiety, and become an overall happier person over the last few months is talking to myself out loud. Consistently talking shit to yourself all day is not healthy, but we do it all the time! I was doing it so much that I didn't even realize it 90% of the time. It caused anxiousness, depression, and made me doubt all my choices. 

Talking out loud the moment I catch myself talking shit has been revolutionary for me. I do it in the car, while I'm working, and any other time I find myself using negative self talk. 

This audio was literally created in the midst of a very negative self talk moment I was having one day alone at home. Apologies for the music in the background but I started recording on a whim, and this moment was when I realized I had to start doing this everyday.

I encourage you to record yourself talking NICE to you, and playing it back whenever you feel shitty. We often don't hear ourselves hyping ourselves up. We often say nice things in the silence of our minds, but saying these things out loud and hearing them back is so impactful! 

I would love to hear your positive self talk! Feel free to share with us on social or email your audio to production@goodmomsbadchoices.com. Let us know if you'd like us to share to inspire more people or if you'd rather keep it between us.

Love you!

