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has been kicking my ass. I am over it. I am on my period. My birthday is next week and I feel nowhere near celebrating shit. Yes, I'm in a shitty mood today. Can't always be rainbows and empowerment over here. We show you guys our souls weekly and this week this mama is feeling melancholy. 

I miss love. I miss partnership. I know money is on the way but I need it TF right now. Single motherhood feels for the birds today. Today I don't feel empowered and all pumped about it. I know my true feelings on all of this will resurface and I'll feel more positive and optimistic about it, but I just had to share because I know that this is real shit. That some of us feel like shit and need to know that other people feel like shit too. Well, I'm here to tell you that I feel like shit, and not because of any particular reason (except for the fact that I'm on day 2 of my period haha). Naw, but on some real shit, I also feel like my periods are starting to affect my mood more than ever before. Is this what happens as you venture deeper into your thirties? Like I'm agro AS FUCK. Not to mention that someone I spent 3 months intentionally talking to exclusively turned out to not be my person. I've been working on manifesting a few things and one of those things in partnership and it feels like so far away. Like nowhere in this hemisphere.  


I'm done bitching for the night. Might delete later.


Today is the last day the most hard-hitting retrograde in a while (my phone and computer broke twice) and I'm praying that you guys are feeling better than I am. 

Love you



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