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Hey Tribe!

We took a siesta to work on a few projects and decided to escape to the deep jungles of Costa Rica. We’re in a small beach town called Samara and it is absolutely beautiful.

We’ve been decompressing and vibing to get those creative juices going and today we have been relaxing and writing all day. It’s been so amazing so far but don’t get it twisted, the mom guilt is REAL. Even though I am here for a purpose I (Erica) can’t help but feel bad for taking time away to focus. I know I had to leave my work and everyday environment to hone in on my writing but not having a reliable co parent has made staying completely present difficult. Even with planning ahead things always seem to never go according to plan when I lean on my coparent to show up for more than a few days. Thank god for for my Tribe at home. I cannot reiterate how important having a community of friends, moms, or family is in order to get shit done as an entrepreneur. Without them I wouldn’t be able to do half the shit I do. I realize how hard finding your tribe can also be. Whether you just moved to a new city, are the first of your friends with a kid, or just having a hard time connecting with people....you MUST find your tribe.

Use our Slack community as a starting point. We are growing over there and there are a bunch of mamas and women looking to meet other women in their city. Don’t be shy. We are intentionally in there to connect. You have to start somewhere! Click the link below if you haven’t joined yet. It’s free to our Patrons.

Introduce yourself in you #findyourtribe channel and scroll through to see whose in your city.



We will be mostly posting here, close friends, or on slack as we are taking a semi social media cleanse while we are here.

Love you!

Have a great rest of your weekend

Erica & Milah




OMG I just left Costa Rica 4 days ago. It is absolutely stunning there. I stayed in La Cruz and Fortuna. The lush endless greenery, hot springs ,waterfalls and volcanos make you want to stay forever. But I too had mom guilt. My daughter is 6 and had to stay with her sad for over a week. I missed her so much. But as moms we need a recharge and Inhave to remember not to feel guilty because my child’s father has it so easy being a weekend dad so he can handle 10 days. Anyways I hope y’all have a fabulous time and the pics are beautiful!!!!