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Hi Tribe!

Today marks the last day of our May Dicktox!

We have so enjoyed our weekly catch ups and are so grateful for all the conversations we’ve been having on our Slack message board.

I want to encourage you to check back in with your intention and manifestation that you wrote down at the beginning of the month.

How has it materialized? How do you feel?

Some of us abandoned ship mid way through and that’s totally fine. However, check in and see how you feel about those choices and where you are at now.

For me, abstaining made my relationships with the two men in my life extremely clear. As you know, I was intimate with one in a moment of weakness and it showed me a lot about how much power sex still holds over me. It also showed me how much I really want to continue to be more intentional about who I share any part of my body with. Our bodies are goddess temples. There is a high price for entry over here now. I am still working on manifesting my partner. He may already be here but my heart tells me to keep being open...so that’s what I’ll do 🤗

Anyway, I love you guys! Hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Are you going to continue with the Dicktox? Or is it a hot mom summer?

Drop your thoughts below!

P.s. We are updating our slack emails today so make sure you check and see if your email has been added below!





Hi guys! Can you add my email to slack? niani.job@gmail.com


Hi can I be added also? 🖤🖤 Shayy200@gmail.com thank you ladies 😊