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It’s time to hit the reset button sis!

If you’ve been listening to the Pod for the last month then you know I’ve been on a dicktox. Yes, a detox from all sexual penetration. I want to continue this journey with my Good Moms Tribe as it has been such a healing process for me thus far in exploring my worth, energy exchange, and connecting back with self. Most of these niggas don’t deserve your beautiful pussy anyway boo. If you only waited 30 days or more before you gave them access you would know that. But we’ll discuss all that on our weekly zoom catch ups beginning May 1st exclusively to our Tribe on Patreon!

This is not only about detoxing from 🍆 but also cleansing yourself energetically which includes letting go of people who you let penetrate your space and energy unnecessarily.

However, we are easing into this no sex thing as next month is masturbation May! Yup we are still masturbating and we will be learning how we can better please ourselves so we don’t need to seek outwardly. Masturbation is a great tool in avoiding bad sex, keeping that PH balanced, and manifesting what you want. Our boo @sexualessentials will be teaching us all about this on our weekly zoom call 💦

All our past your bedtime tier Patrons get access to our weekly “DickTox Support” Zoom calls along with some other special guests that will be joining us throughout the month!

First zoom will be May 6th.

Zoom link coming shortly!

You got one more day to get it in. Make it worth it! 🍆🍆🍆




Let’s get it. Touching down in Jamaica today. I’ll be filming a week long yoga retreat with 24 black women. The stars have aligned for this detox.


Yesss! I loved the dicktox episode! I felt seeen! I’ve been dicktoxing for 10 months now and I feel so much closer to myself. Before I decided to take this break I was a feeling like I wasn’t getting aroused when I didn’t feel a connection with people . I was thinking “OMG I’m him getting old and my vagina isn’t working!” But I realized I just don’t want to share my body with anyone unless they can give me more than just the D or P. When Erica talked about desiring intimacy, more than sex, I was like that’s what Ive been feeling this whole time, but never could articulate it! I just love you two for all the transparency on the show! And I’m excited to hear more about yall’s dicktox journey!❤️