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Hi Tribe,

It may already be night time where you are but I just wanted to check in an remind everyone that tonight is the Full Moon which is a great time to check in with self and manifest. I happen to be on my period and if you listened to our episode with Linda Garcia (@luzwarrior), then you know is an even more opportune time to connect with the moon and spirit!

This moon is said to be bringing up the desire to define relationships in your life. “Are you in, or are out” type of vibes. I can relate to this as I feel like I have come to a crossroads in one of my own relationships (today actually) and need to decide what is best for me moving forward.

This moon is also calling us to find balance and gives us a unique opportunity to see things clearly without influence.

Check your diet. Your habits. How do you feel inside of your body right now. Are you tired? Are resting enough? Do you need a better schedule? Do you need to ask for help? Ask yourself these questions tonight.

Below are my new Manifestation Crystals gifted to us by Devi Brown along with her book! I’m excited to dive into this and further understand that power of crystals.

If you don’t have a full moon ritual below is what I plan on doing this evening so feel free to copy or make your own!

Happy Full Moon!

Full Moon Ritual

1. Create a sacred space. Tonight it will be a bath. Cleanse it and prepare it. Sage, salts, flowers, a vibrator. Whatever makes that place feel good and safe for you!

2. Next, I light my manifestation candle(s) and say a small prayer over them. Next I write down my manifestations for this new full moon. I bless the paper with my breath and a dab of honey. Then I write what I want to release on another paper and do the same. I fold both papers up (small pieces). I will be bringing these with me in the bath. You can also do this ritual out of the bath but I’m dramatic and I love doing everything is water lol.

3. Now that my bath is prepared with salts and essential oils (I like to use lavender because of the scent and it’s healing powers around anxiety and peace). I take off all my clothing and stand over the water and bless the water with intention. That this bath will be healing and restorative. That everything in my life will flow as beautifully and confidently as water does. That I will receive the answers and guidance in my relationships and release anything that no longer serves me.

4. I get in the bath and place my manifestation under the candle. I please what I want to release inside of the candle and watch it burn. Imagine it releasing from my life to make room for what I want to attract.

5. I lay back in the bath and take 5 - 10 deep breaths and I touch my skin and acknowledge my beautiful existence. This doesn’t have to be a sexual. This is really just connecting with yourself. If it gets sexual go with it though!

6. Lastly I finish with a short meditation. Below is one I recently found. It’s not guided but has allowed me to practice meditation without voice.

Meditate with me




Happy Full Moon. My daughter and I always have our cycles on the full moon. Welcome to the red moon cycle.