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Hi Tribe,

Yesterday was the Full Moon in Virgo but the effect of the moon last for 3 days after. Below is a ritual we shared that I (Erica) am doing again tonight. I’ll hope you’ll join me.

Practice this in the full moon and/or 3 days after :

Light a candle that will be your dedicated manifestation candle.

Bless it with a prayer and think positive thoughts.

Line the rim of the candle with honey or a Shea butter. And gently blow on it to bless it with your breath.

Blow your breathe on two pieces of small paper that you will use to write down what you want to release and what you want to manifest.

Write what you want to release on one piece of paper and wipe the honey or she butter on the paper.

Write what you want to invite in on the other piece and wipe honey or Shea butter on it. fold it 3 times into a square.

Place what you want to invite in under the candle. (The paper)

Burn the paper that u want to release inside the candle and imagine it flowing from your life.

Let the candle burn out and take the paper that has what your inviting in and place a coin or money in it and keep it close to you (wallet, purse, bedside). 

Love you!




Doing this tonight it’s a full moon!