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Hey Everybody!

I've been doing hypnotherapy as a means to tap into myself and gain some understanding on the choices I make and how I see myself and its been rather interesting. I think initially when I started this journey I thought it would be on some Get Out shit where I would be in a complete trance without any recollection of what I said or did during the session but, that ain't it at all!! I completed my second session yesterday in a series or 7 (per the therapist suggestion) and its been pretty cool to hear his perspective and really his decoding of my thoughts, words, actions and even dreams!....Yes, he interprets dreams too because our dreams are often our subconscious mind speaking to us.

Each session begins with him and I just talking and the second portion he puts me "under" hypnosis. Each session is recorded and he asks that I listen back 3-4 times between each session. In a sense I feel like he is reprogramming my brain to change the way it thinks and speaks to support what I actually want. As I go through this journey it's increasingly clear how much negative programming has been done through life's traumas and experiences. So far he's addressed that he thinks my "not wanting to be told what to do" is actually me not really accepting myself in entirety and "rebelling" because of that lol (which maybe, I can be a little bit extra wild sometimes ) and as a result I am attracting people that can't really accept me in entirety.

I really wanted to do this specific type of therapy because in my experience with traditional therapy I  never felt like the therapist was "digging deep" enough. I am already pretty rational about my actions and so I never felt like I was getting anywhere and got tired of talking reasonably about my "issues" with different strangers. This form of therapy has really been more helpful for me as it causes me to notice my words, thoughts and actions on a more conscious level.  In each conversation I have with him he decodes my language and delivery and shows me what I am actually saying to myself by using certain words and terms and how that shows up in my life when I speak to myself a certain way. Anyway, I feel like it's the beginning of a transformative journey and I'm grateful for it. Many people go their entire lives thinking they believe one thing when in fact, they actually believe something completely different. For me it mostly has to do with what I believe about myself, my worth and how I actually see myself. It's easy to project an image and then act as if you actually believe it, so much so I think we even trick ourselves into believing it. Until someone who can decode your subconscious comes in and see's right through your facade lol triggering AF. I am attaching my session 2 of the hypno portion of the session so you guys can get a better idea of hypnotherapy.






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