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Yesterday I went on a last minute beach trip with the kids and some friends for some much needed recharging. We ate, we smoked, we played, we drank, we twerked. It was just what the doctor ordered.

With COVID still roaring it’s bitchy ass head going to nature has been my solace. As Irie played with my girlfriend and fellow Patron’s daughter (Hey Neerelyn!) I couldn’t help but think of the world that I will leave her to one day. I hope these memories of maskless beach days don’t become just that...a memory. Or that not wearing a mask and staying 6 feet away from everyone feels like a treat. Now that I’m in a relationship with someone that wants more kids the idea of adding more people to this very unpredictable and tumultuous world makes me scared and a bit sad. I hate to say it but I’m not sure kids are in my future. Irie has a little brother so I feel like if I didn’t have kids she’s all set lol.

Anyone else feel hesitant about having kids these days? I was already on the fence and now I feel like I’ve been pushed over the other side.


If you haven’t been added to our “close friends” list on Instagram add your handle below. We post videos of us making “bad choices” we don’t want the rest of the world to see except our family AKA tribe cuz we know y’all won’t judge us. Must be in our “Babysitter” tier and up.

Thanks so much for you support!

Love you!






