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Hi Patrons, 

First of all, I hope you all are safe and doing well amid these unprecedented circumstances in which we find ourselves. 

Outside of the lunacy engulfing the world around us, we at DnDnD have been dealing with much happier events. As some of you who follow us on social already know, Beth and Mike celebrated their wedding at the beginning of March. It was a wonderful, joyous day filled with copious amounts of laughter and love. We're so glad we were able to celebrate them in a blissful little wedding bubble.

But sadly, that bubble has now burst and we're in the situation we're in now. We always planned on having at least one down week due to the combined one-two punch of the wedding and James's surgery, but as we figure out how to move forward while practicing appropriate social distancing and self-isolation, we will also be off this week. I'm doing everything I can to make sure we have a regular release next Tuesday for you.

In the meantime, I wanted to give you some updates on rewards. The March t-shirt will be designed soon, as Beth is now able to resume work on it. Once it's ready, we'll get it out to all our top level patrons ASAP. PLEASE make sure you have your address included in your patreon profile so we can ensure you receive the shirt you are due. Next, we will get the March recipe card out to you very soon as well. It won't be a recipe from the show, but I'll sharing my mom's chicken soup recipe with you all as I think it's something we could all use right now. 

As we continue to evaluate the situation internally, we will update you with what we will be doing to help you get through this with laughter and excitement. I have no intention of suspending work on the show at this time and none of us are experiencing any symptoms that would prevent us from getting back to the adventure. Right now, it is a question of logistics, which we are working toward resolving. 

We greatly appreciate your support and wish you all the very best. 

Do what's fun, but more importantly do what's safe.

Thank you,




Stay healthy guys!


Oh I though Joel was self isolating? Glad the wedding went well and all the pictures and videos I saw made it look amazing, Maybe it would be worth doing another villain monologue?


Hope you all take care!