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[ Edit: Hey patrons, we hope you're enjoying this episode! I wanted to give you a quick clarification about our process in case you're missing having the announcements and Fletch's Tavern Talk segment in patreon releases. At the moment Graessle finishes his edit for you by Tuesday and posts it, then by the evening Joel is listening for any additional notes and cutting the recap while Mike is recording his Tavern Talk segment. Depending on what else is on our plates, Graessle may be receiving those two segments late at night, so we include them in the final posted episode so we can get you the story asap.

We hope this makes sense and is sufficient for you! Let us know if you have any questions as your support means so much to us. If nothing else it gives you a reason to download the episode a second time :) - Joel ]

Oooh, boy. I don't even want to write a description for this crazy fun time, but I should probably give you something, eh? The yakisoba noodles that I made for the team in real life enter the story in a big way. Flak goes meta and goes to a bar. Some beasts (not beasts) of burden give the Team a warning. 

Thanks so much for all your support! 




"It has perfect acoustics, like Hill Auditorium."- I always enjoy these UofM references from my fellow Wolverines. Go Blue!


So are Pallas Cats gonna be the next shirt? 😂