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Hey Team,

Now that summer is drawing to a close, here's a ton of info on our most autumnal character, Juno Greenpoint, straight from the man himself, Joel Arnold. Joel's first page of character notes is full of great Juno backstory - if you can make out Joel's incredible cursive. 

Thank you so much for your support!

Joel's handwriting written out (thank you, Catherine Laseter):

 --Juno Greenpoint: human ranger, 48, 6’0”, 180 lbs, dark brown hair + blue eyes 

--Looks like Paul Rudd in Aragorn’s ranger gear - but stoic with a dark past 

+--lean huntsman-like build from fighting and living off the land

--From Kingdom of Brixon, region of Nordtyrd, village of Luson

--Next to Milk Bucket Mountains 

--Land of cows, green pastures, warm nights, thunderstorms 

--A calm peaceful land

--Early life: grew up on family’s farm (outside the village), living off the land w/ vegetable garden, goats, three cows, chickens

--Father – Jenai

--Mother - Natal 

--At 14, went to serve mandatory 5-year term w/ Brixon Guard 

+--Was trained in the sword, as an archer, as a scout

+--Served in a desert land - saw some skirmishes 

++--Partnered with another boy during deployment in desert as scouts, the was a mutual attraction and I realized I'm bisexual 

+--dreamed of returning home and becoming a dairy farmer like my father 

+--came back at 19, helped out on the farm and gre the heard a bit, began bringing milk to Luson to sell more often

--Met my wife at 20, married at 21, started family with son at 23 

+-- lost at 33, now 48

+--Ora, she worked with leather incredibly skillfully - she made my leather jerkin +--we saved enough for a fast horse that could rife between the farm and the village quickly enough I sent my days on the farm and nights in the village w/ Ora 

+--after two years, Ora became pregnant and we decided we would move to the farm for when the child was born. I built her a studio at the farm. She was concerned about not being able to be in the village to trade, but she liked the space and fresh air, and her client base was willing to follow her.

+-+--We lived there with our son Jena for 10 years 

--Orcs: we'd heard some reports of orc in Brixon territory but nothing serious -- when orc attacked the farm. My father fought them and was killed. I fought them and Ora and Jena tried to run. The orcs had some sport and bloodied me but didn't kill me -- they made me watch as the killed Ora and Jena.

+--I was left for dead




joel why are your notes so pretty I love them


somehow I always forget that Juno is basically 50


Joel’s penmanship is amazing! And also these character notes are going to be so useful for fan artists. ❤️


I can read most of it, sadly the pretty notes aren’t as readable as they are pretty for the eyes 😅


So jealous of his penmenship


When the handwriting makes you warm and happy.


Hey ya'll I typed this out in case you can't read Joel's handwriting! DnDnD --Juno Greenpoint: human ranger, 48, 6’0”, 180 lbs, dark brown hair + blue eyes --Looks like Paul Rudd in Aragorn’s ranger gear - but stoic with a dark past +--lean huntsman-like build from fighting and living off the land --From Kingdom of Brixon, region of Nordtyrd, village of Luson --Next to Milk Bucket Mountains --Land of cows, green pastures, warm nights, thunderstorms --A calm peaceful land --Early life: grew up on family’s farm (outside the village), living off the land w/ vegetable garden, goats, three cows, chickens --Father - Jenai --Mother - Natal --At 14, went to serve mandatory 5-year term w/ Brixon Guard +--Was trained in the sword, as an archer, as a scout +--Served in a desert land - saw some skirmishes ++--Partnered with another boy during deployment in desert as scouts, the was a mutual attraction and I realized I'm bisexual +--dreamed of returning home and becoming a dairy farmer like my father +--came back at 19, helped out on the farm and gre the heard a bit, began bringing milk to Luson to sell more often --Met my wife at 20, married at 21, started family with son at 23 +-- lost at 33, now 48 +--Ora, she worked with leather incredibly skillfully - she made my leather jerkin +--we saved enough for a fast horse that could rife between the farm and the village quickly enough I sent my days on the farm and nights in the village w/ Ora +--after two years, Ora became pregnant and we decided we would move to the farm for when the child was born. I built her a studio at the farm. She was concerned about not being able to be in the village to trade, but she liked the space and fresh air, and her client base was willing to follow her. +-+--We lived there with our son Jena for 10 years --Orcs: we'd heard some reports of orc in Brixon territory but nothing serious -- when orc attacked the farm. My father fought them and was killed. I fought them and Ora and Jena tried to run. The orcs had some sport and bloodied me but didn't kill me -- they made me watch as the killed Ora and Jena. +--I was left for dead


wow, thank you so much! my handwriting might be pretty, but it's not always legible. I'll add this to the description above. - Joel