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Hi Team!

Welcome to day 1 of our Patreon! Thank you so much for being a part of our show, whether you're here on launch day or found us later, we're overwhelmed with the response from listeners who want to support the show.

When I first conceived the show, I never thought it would get to this point, almost 3 years since I first dreamed up Night's Pass and two years after we started recording. As I write this, we're 60 episodes deep into this crazy story and even with all the fireballs, crit fails, and Garebert Mertberts, the biggest surprise of all of them is the resonance our story has had with you, the listener.

I said that as part of the rewards, I wouldn't post any of my notes because of potential spoilers, but I went way, way back to some of the first things I wrote to find the character breakdowns for two of the earliest NPCs: a merchant named Kif and a thief named Jasson. Both became much more than these little blurbs ever could have indicated, just like our show.

We have so much more excellent content to share with you (I'm personally very excited about the recipe cards). Until then, thank you so much and keep doing what's fun.


NPC Character Descriptions - Swamp Quest
Kif Nivren

  • Who is the character?
    • The merchant who lost his caravan. He thought that cutting through the swamp would help him avoid bandits, but the natural perils proved much worse. If he doesn’t recover even a fraction of his goods, he’s as good as dead. He’s a fidgety, nervous man. 
  • What is his/her motivation?
    • Desperate to recover some of his loses and get back on his feet, he needs to find someone willing to brave the swamp and bring back as many goods as possible. 
  • How do they carry it out?
    • By hiring the PCs to retrieve it. If the PCs do not side with Kif, another band of adventurers hired by Kif confronts them at the caravan. 
  • Jasson Chon
    • Who is the character?
      • A leader of a band of thieves looking to recruit the PCs to his gang. Confident, arrogant, and manipulative, he’s a whatever-means-necessary greedy little shit. 
    • What is his/her motivation?
      • Wealth and power. 
    • How do they carry it out?
      • Robbery. If the PCs agree to join him, they’ll have to rob the caravan to prove loyalty, then maybe even kill Kif. If they join Kif, they’ll have to fight off Jasson and his thieves. 



Great notes, love how in depth they are!!


this is amazing thanks Graessle 🧡


I've been very curious as to how you broke down NPCs. These notes are so cool!! Thank you for sharing them!


Patreon Already paying for Its self

Noelle Bartley

So happy you have a Patreon now!! Your podcast is my first and only Patreon I am paying for and it's worth every penny :)


First Patreon ever for me too! I'm glad I can help support you guys :) Thanks for being so awesome!


I love getting a glimpse of what could have been if the team went a different way. This is probably the least predictable team to DM for.


I am truly interested in if the team had Duden with Jason. It’s crazy that the story could of went either way and we might have a totally different story line.