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And here is the release of the long-awaited animation for the second winner. 

I really liked the idea too much, so thanks to the author of the idea for this. And yes, I know that one minute is too much, but I could not help myself. I hope you will enjoy :3


DOWNLOAD : https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/gvlcyfz6o0v8qqk8jy2j0/Sisters-problems.mp4?rlkey=29eeul15207mhl07x7kxzw4nr&dl=0 




Ooh My goosh 💜💜need more of these two shenanigans as a bigger animation♡♡ but gosh this♡♡


This is gold! Now i understand what happens when she gets angry. Lucario better be ready after his little mischief.


We need a follow up where Rena now monsterously bloated by her sister's and her own combined gases, catches Rona and absolutely unleashes it all back out on her.