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And here is the first animation for the first winner. 

Forgive me all please, but for me this animation is weak. My mistake, I will correct it in the future.


DOWNLOAD : https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/y9ir0ownk4f1t1u3nq6f8/Unexpected-meeting.mp4?rlkey=iox5av6ewyo067vtdvpnpxbop&dl=0 




Heh, these little guys can deny it all they want but they actually love getting farted on by bigger girls ;3. Also don't worry about the animation, it can always be improved. I also gotta admit that i love the way you portray Loona as a lively and smiling girl in opposite to the classic annoyed goth girl

Marcus Coleman

crying tears of joy rn fr, 😭😭❤️❤️❤️