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I've been spending time reworking the current arc to have it end in a way that gets me to where I want it to be instead of where it initially was going to go... i.e.: the reboot versus basically every zombie other than George getting receased.

I'm at about 15 or so strips with most of them being double sized. So there'll be a couple more added to that, but that means there's about maybe twenty strips left in the current timeline before the reboot occurs.

I'm hoping to be able to start drawing this arc by the weekend since I'll have the first pass written out and I'll do a once over edit to make sure it's where I want it... then I'll start the art and probably put a couple up on Patreon before they get scheduled for the site.

I'll also be writing ahead a lot for the reboot as just going into an arc with a loose outline doesn't really cut it for me anymore... Writing a year's worth of Maho Noir before I do any of the art has really shaped the way I want to do ZR going forward.

Also, I'm offering the emergency discount for commissions again due to wanting to purchase some Warhammer stuff and not having the cash on hand to justify it. If there's a commission you've been thinking about getting, this is the cheapest I offer them for. Contact me if you're interested.



18 comics left in the current timeline