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I've been working on character designs and doing some changes.

Added some more to the image so I checked the "Notify Patrons about this change" box.

Added Meela with a haircut inspired by Viviane's actual shaved section. Meela was partly created by Viviane so I went with that. I didn't give her Viviane's glasses since she's a young werewolf and while I have a werewolf who wears glasses-- Jack and Lyn's dad... I like to think that's due to age.




I like Meela new look. ❤️


It appears that Lyn has a much darker complexion. Is this intentional or my imagination?


Intentional. I pinked up her and Jack's skin tones and hair is less "actual red" and has more of an orange added to it.


She's going to work at the pet store in the mall. Since in the legacy timeline she didn't have a job that was spelled out..


Nice! I was originally going to say a ruddier complexion, but wasn't sure if that would've been uncomplimentary.


I’m going to have to send you a commission request soon.


I'm using more skin tones for characters in this version. Especially the black characters-- before the majority of them landed on like one dark brown. I'm trying to make things less lazy and feel more appropriate