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Howdy Peeps, sorry for the silence for most of the month.
Been away in the big city + Jury Dutie having me full out.

But have gotten some inspiration from my time away. Went to an art gallery and got an idea for a piece involving my police girl which might be some fun +

On the Docket, we got:

  • Poll winner - "Samus Aran from Metroid hypnotized"
    (gonna get that done this month)
  • Mario Movie inspired: Brainwashed peach + cucked bowser
  • Art Gallery inspired piece 
  • Hotel inspired piece
  • Commissions
    (since I've got to fill the whole in my wallet from travels haha)

Hoping to smash some of these ideas out this month. So thanks for bearing with me a bit. And if ya got any ideas for the samus hypnotized, feel free to slap em down~



I'd love to see a corrupted Samus taking on some of her favorite Metroid's traits. Kind of predatory, with a translucent chest. Or some Phazon corruption taking hold. :)


Maybe Samus recovered by the Galactic Federation after the Metroid drains her brain, stuck babbling in diapers and sucking her thumb in a nursery constructed for her "recovery"?