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Howdy peeps!
DHB here again with another update.

Letting ya know what's the go for the upcoming month!

--------------October Poll!
Next month's poll will be spooky month!
Where only spooky suggestions are permitted, ghosts, monsters, cryptics, creepypastas. Whatever would give a fear boner~

Next month I'll be open for commissions.
-4 slots this time around.
I will be opening up for comms with these filters in mind:

  • New client
    (clients that haven't had a commission from me before)
  • Hypnosis/mind-controlled themed 
  • Halloween themed
  • 1-2 characters

Not saying you have to meet all four of these, but if you are wanting a commission and you fit into one or more of these, I'm more likely to accept the comm. 

So if ya want a commission, have ya stuff ready for next month. (go rego to pay, so might be included to take more the month after.

--------------Emote Suggestions!
For funsies, will be making a new emote each month.
So each month I'll be asking for suggestions for emotes for the discord.
Whether it's a character zonked, a reaction, a kink of any kind I draw, or possibly even something animated.

And as always, I'm open to suggestions on how to grow and improve my Patreon or my art. So if you have any ideas from other patreons you support or of your own, slap em in the discord~



how much are slots for the commissions?