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While it may not pose a threat to Mother Miranda, it's still an enjoyable toy.


Scene: @Rigid3D


Heisenberg ruthlessly transforms others into biological weapons without any humanity, but also wants to overthrow Mother Miranda's control over others due to his human nature.

He is an ultimate paradoxical hybrid. He is somewhat similar to Nicholai from RE3, but far more evil than Nicholai. By the way, they are both played by the same actor. I really like their settings; they are very suitable for me to manipulate them.

I considered creating more front-facing renders of his monsters, but decided against it. Personally, my fondness for monsters isn’t great—I have a bit, but it's not particularly strong at the moment.

I'm more focused on characters with a DADDY vibe.


2 additional renders will be included in the 4/2024 Reward that I am preparing to release.

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