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Tim is once again live in person in the most dangerous city in America. He's still gun shy on the toilets, the table is a green screen, and we're talking about.

The Speed of Nine to Five

In this corporate hellscape we live in, many are trapped in a cubicle or office for 40 hours every week. Most people don't actually have 40 whole hours of productivity in them though. This is the real social contract we've become trapped by. Your employer will pay you for 40 hours a week, they expect you to be there, but they'll kind of look the other way when you spend half the day dicking around on facebook getting into arguments with relatives you haven't seen in nearly a decade. So even though you could wipe out the whole days work from 9am to 9:15am, for some reason you decide to dole it out little by little over the course of the week. That's great except you ARE WASTING MY TIME AS WELL!

Culture has exposed me to a lot of new ideas over the last few years. I used to think that there should only be one Tab per Million people, too many and you have too much chaos, too many people questioning the status quo. That was when I thought that I was abnormal, I thought my brain was wired not quite right. More and more I'm starting to believe my brain is closer to right than wrong, sure I often arrive at a conclusion in a different order than others, but the conclusion is usually the correct one. Learning that the people around you don't see pictures, can't hear audio, and can't imagine their feelings under different circumstances really brings that NPC meme into perspective. It's no wonder reading has subsided in our culture, to people like me it's watching the best movie you've ever seen. To NPCs it's just words on a page.

All of that plus the News, your voicemails, and unfortunately yes the announcement that this will be the last Consecutive Episode of HWIDG. After 350 straight weeks of doing the show, 6 seasons, 6 Co-hosts, and all of your generous time and support over the years. I have decided to end HWIDG while we are still on top. I want to sincerely thank you for listening, I'm extremely lucky to have had your ear for as long as I have. I wish you all the great fortune in your lives, and may you never lose the fire to stand up for what you believe in.



Matt from mn

Great run guys. Thanks for all the time and energy you put into this. I'm happy to have been a part of it and sad to see it go. Also to all other Patrons, SUCK IT YOU FUCKING LOSERS. I WIN!

Jonathan Piltz

Sorry you decided to finish the show, but I get where you're coming from. Sounds like you got your plate full already and doing the podcast is an extra grind on top of it. Hope all of you guys a good future. By the way, what's the plan for the existing bonus content? Are you going to have it available elsewhere or will it disappear into the ether?