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Welcome back HWIDG listeners, we're shot out of a cannon this week, and railing against.

Human Rights TM
Bar Trivia

These days everything seems to be a human right, unless it actually benefits the individual, then it's a dangerous lie and needs to be stopped. It's so exhausting being beaten with the cudgel of rights while the ones that matter are constantly waived away, or even the "rights" being argued are only selectively applied. Unfortunately we're still a hundred thirty years from a better definition of rights.

Bars need patrons, patrons need something to do other than drink themselves to death. Enter bar trivia, wouldn't it be fun to get together with a few friends and answer some questions for some free beer? Well hold your horses, the table next door every single person is dicking around on their phone during the round. The questions are almost inaudible, and the prizes? Well they are basically worthless. So they gave away 5 beers, but they sold 50 to all the losing teams.

All of that plus whatever happened to the pickup truck ball cooler vent? Fake priests, and El Chaco needs to be vetted by interpol.


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