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Welcome back HWIDGents and ladies, Tony is back this week and he's disavowing a storm especially,

- Rushed Origin Stories
- The Writer's Strike

Where did Indy get his Hat? Where did Han get his gun? Where did Jack Sparrow get his compass? Where did Superman get his glasses? Who could possibly care about the answers to these questions? If it were important it would have evolved out of the story naturally, but often in an effort to explain things we didn't need explained, they will jam every life shaping moment about a character into a 15 minute montage of stupid plot contrivances and conveniences for absolutely no reason at all. Why do they do this, because the writers are dumb.

Speaking of dumb writers, they're all boycotting work, boy I thought that was what they did every day! Based on the quality of entertainment for the last ten years would we really lose anything if hollywood shut down for a year or forever? Between foreign entertainment, and the massive back catalog of TV and Movies from the last 100 years I think we can all find something to watch. Not to mention the advent of small creators creating content far more compelling that your late night TV hosts monolog. I think we'd be better off with the current batch of writers going out and learning to code, and we can bring in some non-union writers who actually care about the properties they write for a shot. Let's call it 20 years to flatten the curve.

All of that plus did Tony leave his families Mario Celebration Dinner in the woods? Does a having a short bed on your truck make you gay? And what classic american documentary series inspired Tab's new Tattoo? The answer... May Shock You!


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