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We've made it through Christmas, Kwanzaa is upon us, and as we run out the clock on 2022 Buck is back for two last issues for the year.

Eye of the Holidays

For some reason everything these days needs to Light up, Make Noise, Have a Screen, and otherwise be as obnoxious as possible. On top of that there's the horrid swell of humanity that all needs to pack in to every warm spot to be exactly in your way. All of that can lead a Person of Spectrum like Buck and I to feel like it's time to go Falling Down on society. We don't do it though, because we're weak.

It's basically over at this point, but isn't it weird how we have a week every year of basically 0 productivity, yet we require workers to be there just to hold their benefits and job security over them. How many times have you worked a part time, or hourly job during the Christmas season and find that your boss is "On vacation" or at this point "Working remotely" for 5 days, while your miserable ass is driving into work to play on facebook and pretend you just enjoy being there. It's ridiculous, we need to stop demanding work from others we don't want to do ourselves.

All that plus some re-runs of new voicemails, what goes in the bum, and we announce the winner of Pin the Tail on my Neck.


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