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Gabbin about Godzilla Returns! By spite request we spend until 39:48 talking about Shin Godzilla with the one and only Justin Silverman! Tony has nothing to say about the film, but Justin sure does! Then Tab and Tony sit down and talk about...

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You're on the internet trying to wheel some snipers, this one has a beeg a tihdi, that one has a nice smile, the only thing worse than the next one being a fat chick with a neck and chest tattoo is an ad for children's clothes? What the hell am I a fat attention whore with a reboot podcast with the mass of a dwarf star? No I'm an adult man, show me something relevant to my experience, like condoms that will go bad unused in the box, natural male enhancement pills I'll never have the chance to use, or the next big magic the gathering tournament at my local incel hostel.

I get it you like music, you like sharing music, you like people thinking your tastes are unique and interesting. I don't care though, you sat through hours of content you likely don't remember and now I have to see 600 posts of the same vomit of color lists of artists I've never heard of, on a service I never use, and I dread Decembers to come of wrap ups of every useless platform. You watched 300 hours of the office, congrats you have no personality!

All that plus a warning to the Royal Family, a Festivus Miracle, and a recap of the VM Beef 255 episodes in the making!


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