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No Hate November continues and for a second week in a row the co-host comes in hot with a REWORKED Don't Get. I personally disavow all of these shenanigans. I'm bringing in real Do Gets and these clowns try and stay the course, how embarrassing.

- Representing Yourself
- Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

The constitution guarantees you a right to a speedy trial, a right to face your accuser, and most importantly a right to legal counsel. Who needs those people though? First off, they're expensive. These lazy guys sit in a office all week, go to court one afternoon and list off some gobblygook latin non-sense. The court, who's in a on the scam "drops" the charges, but now you have to pay the lawyer the money you owed anyway. The whole thing is a scam. Eliminate the middle man, represent yourself.

In the golden era of Star Trek no other series is lauded as much as Deep Space Nine. Deep on the frontier of the federation suddenly the hub of the galaxy, Deep Space Nine is a slower show dedicated to character and skewing the utopian ideals of the series coming before it. Deep Space Nine has a lot of highlights, the Dominion War, expanding the Ferengi, a post Cardassian Occupation where Gul Dukat did nothing wrong. 15 million deaths over 50 years, that's basically nothing. The real story in Deep Space Nine though is a story of Father's and Sons. Ben and Jake, Rom and Nog, Joseph and Ben, Miles and Kariyoshi, Worf and Alexander, and who doesn't need a good father son story?

All that plus we talk about Psychotic Trekkies, The Perfect Old Fashioned Glass, and catching Pikachu.


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