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Just a heads up, we weren’t able to use StreamYard like normal this week, Joel was without power or stable internet when recording rolled around. Luckily we were able to work around it, so his audio quality left something to be desired. Towards the end we start getting RF interference from an incoming storm, it’s not awful, but it’s noticeable.

In Brightest Day, in Darkest Night, no natural disaster will keep HWIDG from broadcasting directly into space our message of intolerance. Joel is coming in hot from the 3rd world with Tab deep in his basement mere miles away from the latest glow in the dark escapades in STL. They’re pulling this off and talking about…

Devilish Demon Dealers
The Final Girl Trope

What is it with edge lords and satanism? From the political jack holes putting up monuments to Beelzebub on state capitols to own the Christians, to the weird wink and nudge from Hollywood elites who swear they aren’t pedophiles despite mountains of evidence to the contrary. Why is it that we allow as a society the scourge of the heavens to influence our ways? I’m all about inside jokes and good fun, but when I call something a Moving Violation, you know it’s because I love Rhinestone. It’s not a coincidence when people say they are going to be doing some spirit cooking, they mean they want to eat your kids.

Halloween perfected the art of the Final Girl and the terrifying finale of the Babysitter Murders. It’s been 40 years though and we are still seeing the final girl in media. It’s BORING AS SH!T! It’s not only completely unbelievable, it’s also descended into the need for “Character but a woman!” in every Hollywood franchise since. I’m so tired of it, show me a movie where all the women are killed and the skinny loser with glasses and acne uses his smarts to outwit the slasher. That’s at least something I’ve never seen before.

All of that plus an all new Gabbin About Godzilla, the best car movies, the dirtiest man in the world, and where to stick your piss filled water bottles!


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