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Look! In the sky! It's a bird...no, a plane...no it's THIS WEEK'S EPISODE OF HWIDG AND IT'S HURTLING TOWARDS EARTH AT AN ALARMING BUT VISUALLY COMPREHENSIBLE RATE! The horror! Look, it's splitting off into smaller pieces including:

- Snake Oil
- Arrested Development
- Incomplete Box Sets
- Double Think

Look at this impressive specimen of a human. Large chest, symmetrical features, tall but not freakishly so. You too can be like them for the low, low price of your soul. Join now and we'll throw in a themed beach towel that you can't use because you're too fat to go to the beach, so try these quick, fat-busting energy pills!

There's always money in the banana stand! And where there's money, there's a cornballer fire. Get it? Memes! Anyways, just like the TV show, America is now stuck in a loop of re-runs, getting stupider each time, and more child-like when the episode we hate gets chosen to air this week.

What if a movie were broken up into chunks and they sold it to you piece by piece, then gathered those pieces in an arbitrary amount so you never had the full set. Would you pay for that? Absolutely not, that would be ludicrous! Disney Plus? What's that?

Life is full of paradoxes. Like Schrodinger's cat. It both exists and doesn't exist at the same time. Or Social Media. It's called social media, but in the age of it we are less social than ever. Doublethink is when your brain is a paradox, like "defund the police" and "hello, 911 I need police immediately to my house, someone with brown skin walked too close to my mailbox".

All this and more on this week's episode! Don't forget to join us on DISCORD, support us through the end on PATREON or by BUYING A SHIRT.



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