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In this special Holy episode of HWIDG, Tab is back from Mecca and boy did he have a great time! He tells us all about his quest for Abieg, and how many big hills he encountered. Now, my Rhinestonian brothers and sisters let us pray for a quality episode filled with many issues, like:

- Wheelchair Guy
- Stupid Suggestions
- Nailing It

Some people are dealt a shit hand by life. Most of us feel like that every now and then, but some truly are. In society we generally treat these people with a little more respect than the average person. We tend to accommodate specifically for them. And in turn, they are generally agreeable despite their situation. Then there's the others. The damn-the-heavens type. The curse-you-walking-fools type. The if only-these-eyes-could-see type. They hate the world for how it has wronged them, and they will take any and all occasions to remind us "blessed" folk that we take what we have for granted. They're one more evil deed done to them from becoming a supervillain like Samuel L. Jackson in Unbreakable. And we saw how Glass ended up. Do you really want more of that?

People like to think that they know best. So much so that they know your job better than you, the expert. These people then rise to the top and get jobs overseeing your sector. And they start suggesting dumb rules and changes. Because they've never been in your position, they've never actually done your work, so they assume they know how it's done and go off that. Like telling a chef that your medium-rare steak is undercooked. No, you just like burnt meat. Or suggesting that injecting bleach or sunlight into a human body could get rid of a virus. You'd have to be a real dummy to suggest that.

Television. What was once a new medium to tell serialized stories and bring you movies in the comfort of your own home has now become a bastardized version of itself. It fell behind with the rise of digital media and streaming and instead started chasing two things: the internet, and Hollywood. For a long time, TV knew it wasn't Hollywood, and it couldn't bring you a $100 million dollar movie every week, but it used that to its advantage! Now, TV series want desperately to bring you the spectacular blockbusters you go to the big screen to see at home. The budgets have ballooned with movie star features and extensive CG. And that CG? It's bad. Even Marvel, the biggest thing in the world can't get their series' CG to look competent. And they refuse to throw more money at it or throw money into doing it practically so we're stuck in the uncanny valley again like it's 2003.

Hey! You got your Do Get in my Here's What I Don't Get! Ah that's alright, they're two great tastes that taste great together! Nailed it! Just like Mr. Reesee himself when he stuffed a bunch of peanut butter into some chocolate, occasionally we just nail things. We grab 'em by the horns and wrestle 'em down to the ground until they yell uncle. And when you walk away you feel like a god. Remember that scene in Bruce Almighty where he's walking down the street, testing out his new God powers? And he makes a monkey come out of a dude's butt? That's what it feels like to nail it. Like you could make a monkey come out of a dude's butt.

All this and more on this week's episode! Don't forget to join us on Discord, support us on Patreon or by buying a shirt.



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