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Not all heroes wear capes. Some are born heroes and some are made heroes. But what do they have in common? When the bell of justice rings, they answer. When Gotham is under siege by The League of Assassins, Batman swoops in and takes vengeance. When a meteor is hurtling towards Metropolis, Superman flies up and saves the day. When a multi-billion dollar company is going to discontinue your namesake's soda, Tab is there! No longer will the evil corporations leave the original diet soda in the corner to fend for itself! When there is soda-related injustice to be fought, Tab is there!

- Sheer Incompetence
- Pointless Apologies
- Bait and Switch Sales
- Unfaithful Adaptations

A lot of times in life, it turns out no one knows what they're doing. We're all just winging it at some point. Some people are good wingers, and then there's the bozos. The idiots that radiate pure incompetence hot enough to give you radiation burns. You can only hope that when you meet one of these people in the workforce that you are high enough above them to get them the hell out of the building before they set it on fire trying to microwave a burrito. Otherwise, you have to stand/sit there and take in their incompetence like a stink. And there is no fan or spray strong enough in this world to get rid of it.

People apologize for two reasons: they are either truly sorry for what they did, or they want to save face. The problem is that these days, no apology is ever good enough. Fans don't care about what you did to apologize for, your haters will still hate and not accept the apology, and everyone else doesn't care. So what's the point apologizing to the people that will never be happy with your apology and will in fact just dig deeper and scour every word you've ever said or written to make you do it all over again?

Retail stores these days have us like rats in a maze. No longer are we in charge, spending where we want on what we want. Instead we are hurtled through stores like cattle, stopping every 10 feet to see the new shiny product that has the highest margins of profit. Gone are the days of the deal, replaced by group savings on select items. Amazon and the like have figured out how to skirt consumer rights just so, so they can falsely advertise one color in one size of a shirt as a massive bargain while the rest sit there at full price, laughing at you for being poor.

One of two things can happen with unfaithful adaptations to the screen. On one hand you have something that is quasi-true in tone, setting, story, or characters but is mangled by writers, directors and producers that have no interest in appealing to the existing fanbase, only in making another hit in the genre. Or you can have a director or writer use a work for its setting or tone and craft it into something that only barely resembles the original but is a fantastic piece of work otherwise. As a fan, yes it can hurt to see your favorite book be used practically in name only, but its much, much worse to see it treated like a Special Ops blacksite prisoner, abused and mangled until it has given up.

All this and more on this week's episode! Don't forget to join us on DISCORD, support us on PATREON or by BUYING A SHIRT.



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