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HWIDG is proud to announce that we're changing our name to more closely align with how we feel the podcast will be going in the future. Today we're announcing: DUNC Talk. Going forward, DUNC Talk will be your one stop shop for all news and media related to DUNC, the new hit IP. What is DUNC? Is it a movie? An NFT? A food? We don't know, but it's going to be big, so get ready for loads and loads of DUNC, starting with:

- Christmasember
- Not Understanding How Things Work
- Horror Sequels
- Redhead Erasure

Imagine if you were sitting at a restaurant having a nice dinner. You're sitting there snacking on the free bread or rolls, when you see your waiter approach with a plate of hot, delicious entrees. As you take your first bite of delicious medium rare steak the waiter then brings out a plate of dessert items, and before you have a chance to protest, they shove a slice of cheesecake into your mouth. And you can't complain because everyone else around you seems not to care. It's that you don't like cheesecake, but you want it when it's time to have it. If you have cheesecake all the time, it loses its luster. Bit more and more, people are skipping over dinner and going straight to cheesecake, skipping over that delicious steak.

In this world of information at a touch, you'd think that people would have more knowledge on how things work. Car broke down? Google it and diagnose your problem. But instead certain people just don't have the mental capacity for such "useless" things. We've got all this information, but also all these people that don't want to learn anything, so we've also got instant problem solvers. Computer crashed? Take it to GeekSquad. Do this every time because you can't be bothered to not click links in random emails sent to you. How does my car work? I put gas in and the pedal makes the gas go into the little creature in the engine, and he farts out speed into the wheels.

Look, as much as we love horror franchises and their bounty of sequels, the originals are great for a reason. It's very few and far between when a horror equal, let alone surpass the original. For most of them the sequels are just an excuse to do it again, with a fresh batch of kids to kill, or a new family to haunt, in a new location that gets wackier and wackier as they go on. It's the horror problem. The bad guys are stars, so the rest of the cast can't shine, but it would be boring if they didn't fight back, but they can't kill the bad guy for good, or else no sequel, and even if they do the "last" one, ten years later there's a remake/requel in the wings.

Hollywood has figured out a new formula. Take your comedic relief/scrappy kid/ love interest redhead and replace them with a black (but not too black) person. As long as they're not the main character, what is this, BET? It's fine it's not like red hair is the rarest hair type, and there definitely aren't non-white people with red hair. And it's just hair! There's no way that red hair has been used to persecute people, therefore all these fictional redheads have absolutely no problems, right? Red hair has also definitely never been used as shorthand for defining a character's persona. Hair can't be fire, you're crazy!

All this and more on this week's episode! Don't forget to join us on DISCORD, support us on PATREON or by BUYING A SHIRT.



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