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Check out the video episode also including Minisode 38!

We're taking HWIDG back to the 1950's! Before they had invented colors and good movies, there was HWIDG! ON tonite's broadcast we're confronting these issues: Why My Wife Burns the Casserole After My Boss Has Been Chewing My Ass All Day, Not Having a Pack of Smokes with Your Steak, "Civil Rights", and Beatniks. Brought to you by Fat Daddy's Juke Bar! The only place in town with a deviled ham sandwich better than your wife's! So set that radio dial to 88.4 AM at 7:30 and get ready to rock and roll!

- The Fandom Menace
- Interactive Ads
- Nostalgia Movies
- Levels of Importance

Hate-watching. We all do it from time to time. Maybe its a dark and gritty reboot of your favorite childhood hero, or maybe its a squeaky clean cartoon of your favorite adult property. Either way, you're still watching it, congratulations. Even worse are hate-watchers with audiences. Even if you hate how your once-favorite IP is going, covering every rumor of a reboot or mishap by the producers is still supporting them! That's the opposite of what you want!

Ads used to be tricky. Subliminal messaging, remember that? Hidden naked ladies in paintings of ice cubes so you lust for Dr. Welcher's Diet Sasparilla. But these days? We're in a post-hiding-your-ad universe. Now, they straight up ask you to interact with a commercial. No more choice of illusion, just robotic PLEASE CONSUME.

Ah, childhood. Treehouses, riding your bike to the corner store to buy magazines and a hot dog, birthday parties at the local arcade, and BRIGHT FLASHING COLORS and LOUD  FART NOISES on the TV to pacify you. Programming specifically made to make children (who laugh at literally everything) watch them over and over and over and over and POOF, you're 25 and still singing Disney Songs.

The internet was supposed to be smart. It tells me that it will analyze how I use it and tell me what is important. Then why dear god, why do I ABSOLUTELY need to see this 10% off coupon for fish bait? How about you actually tell me when something I want comes? Not spam. Literal spam presented as important information, can you believe that?

All this and more on this week's episode! Don't forget to join us on DISCORD, and support us on PATREON or by BUYING A SHIRT!



Matt from mn

Tab, I'm glad to hear that you made no mention of Surf Ninjas in the nostalgia movies issue.


Appreciate your take Tab on The Fandom Menace. I used to follow those guys you mentioned too then gave up on the content when I got sick of their complaining. It got to the point where I found myself thinking if these guys hate all this stuff so much why are they still watching it? They go on about how bad it is going to be and how nobody should watch it and yet they're the first to put out a review confirming it is bad. What's frustrating it they no longer seem to talk about anything good. I discovered Nerdrotic as a fan of The Expanse years ago where he praised the show. Now he doesn't even bother reviewing it. The only guy I watch now is Critical Drinker and I think that's mainly because he still puts out videos that appreciate good content.