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This week on Mighty Ragin' HWIDG Rangers... the mysterious Fifth Issue! When former-Ranger-turned-villain CJ returns with his own issue to join the other four, chaos ensues! Can the HWIDG Rangers combine their powers to defeat CJ, or will an even greater threat appear? Find out on this week's Mighty Ragin' HWIDG Rangers!

- Burying the Source Material
- Self-help Articles
- Addiction Shaming
- Too Long a Waiting Period
- "I'm Not a Fan, But..."

It is it lame and hoity-toity of me to say "Yes, but I was into [THING] before it was popular" or, "Please, you're not a real fan, you haven't read the original in Pig Latin"? Yes it is. BUT c'mon. I'm kind of right and therefore reserve the right to be pissed off when the first search result for my ultra gritty comic book is the children's cartoon adaptation.

Self help article of the week: "How I Owned My First House and Business by Age 28". How did they do it? By cutting down on the Starbucks? Coupon clipping? Not tipping? Sure, they did all those things and it really added up! Also they got a one-time loan of 2 Million dollars from their parents that they don't have to pay back. But that couldn't have contributed much, could it?

Everyone's got their vices. Smoking, gambling, drinking, pouring a can of nacho cheese into a family-size bag of crushed Doritos and eating the whole thing with a spoon. So when someone is pissed drunk telling you that you're gambling all of your money away by playing poker with your buds, they don't have much of a hill to stand on. It's the pot calling the kettle black lung.

Oh no, I've been scammed! I better report this and get my money back! Wait, what do you mean I have to wait 4 weeks, send in three forms of government ID and a blood sample before I can initiate a claim? You already kicked the scammer off your site! For scamming! I got scammed! Give me my money!

I don't know about you but I really liked the new Thundercats show. Sure, the animation was kind of poor as they were all stick figures, and sure they made them dogs instead of cats, and sure there was a scene where Panthro got blasted on quaaludes  and raped Snarf, but overall I really liked it. I was never really a fan of the original though, it was too violent.

All this and more on this week's episode! Don't forget to join us on DISCORD, and support us on PATREON or by BUYING A SHIRT!



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