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It's time for nitpicking, so get your tweezers and impotent rage, we're complaining about:

Post Snow Dirt
Cool Cover Bad Content
But I need That

I don't know what it is about snow, but it's filthy. It catches every speck of dirt in the world and then deposits it on whatever it can touch. Mostly cars. Driving around you see all of these cars just coated in a layer of scum that you never see any other time of year. You'd keep the car cleaner on a dirt road.

You're not supposed to judge a book by its cover, yet that's the first thing you see. It wants to draw you in, but what happens when the book sucks? Or the CD? Or what have you. Cover's should be held accountable for not living up to your expectations.

The worst chips of all time are the ones that get shit all over your hands. The worst offender of this is of course the dorito. Not only are they messy, but they're just not good. I may be a gaymer, but I'm not a cliche.

Nothing is worse than finding a bug in a system, and the work around is not doing what you need. I need a software to do a thing, but the software doesn't exist anymore, or has a bug where a certain thing doesn't work. Can you guys get off your ass and fix this? Or reupload your software to the website? No. Fuck Me? Alright then.

Thank you for supporting the show this month, we hope you'll stay on board for more HWIDG. You make it possible.



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