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Here we are again fans another month, another discussion that isn't about how much we hate Anthony Fauci. Instead we're talking about.

Alphabetizing Movies
Who's Line is it Anyway?
Good Internet
Troubleshooting the Problem

There are a lot of great ways to organize things, and stores don't know how to do any of them. Fortunately at home it's much easier, because I have a shelf and a rudimentary understanding of reading.

Most shows these days suck, that's why we keep watching shows from years ago. One of those great shows was hosted by Drew Carrey, had a rotating guest spot, and didn't have any scripts. It also had too much singing, and led to an obsession with improv for a whole generation. So it's kind of a wash.

Most people buy internet and just accept it as what it is, it meets their needs, and they never bump against the walls. Not me, I'm constantly taxing my internet for no real reason other than I can. Having good internet is the 2021 version of running water, I don't ever want to live in internet Flint Michigan again.

Working on a problem in a logical progression is really the only way to solve anything. TV makes you think eureka moments happen every day. They don't it's a trope. Most problems take time effort and focus to go start to finish through. That's why there aren't women in STEM, there's not shortcuts for good work.



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