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Welcome to your first day at HWIDG High, freshies! Rule number one: no running in the halls! That's what the provided rocket skates are for. Rule number two: there will be ABSOLUTELY no math of any kind done on this premises, DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?! If I catch just one of you little snots adding 2 and 2 or multiplying 67 by 13, it's automatic detention! For all of you! Rule number three: Handlebreaking 101 is canceled today because no one can get into the room. Rule number four: finish your whiskey at lunch! We paid a lot to be sponsored by Jim Bean, and dammit you're gonna drink that swill! Alright, get to class!

- The Kiss of Death
- Justin Trudeau
- Canada
- Death of the G.E.D.

Some people are like King Midas, everything they touch is great. There are very few of these people ever. Probably 0.1% of all creators. 99.8% of people fall behind them in the good to bad ratio. Then there's the other 0.1%. These are your Abrams', Burtons, and Kurtzmans. Everything they touch gets a death sentence. YET. YET SOMEHOW THEY KEEP GETTING WORK. They destroy franchise after franchise but Hollywood has an unlimited pile of things to ruin, so I guess it's alright to just let them keep destroying your childhoods.

Justin Trudeau makes Candian hockey moms all hot and bothered. That's all I can tell you about the man. So what does that say about his accomplishments?

Blame Canada. South Park was right all those years ago. You know that weird cousin at the family reunion that everyone else loves and says is so sweet? But you caught them smoking crystal behind the Wal-Mart 2 years ago? And he keeps talking about moving down south and staying with you, but at the same time trash talks you every  chance he gets? Yeah, that's Canada.

High school students definitely need to be studying college-level physics, literature, and calculus, right? That's what they told me. The AP program will help you get ready for college! It helps you get ready for the classes, but what it doesn't do is help you understand your loans or how debt works. Or how to cook for yourself when the campus cafe is closed at night and the only place open is a McDonalds that is too far in walking distance, and your car's broken down. It won't teach you how to fix said car on your own when you can. And it definitely won't teach you how to make something you can be proud of other than a flimsy piece of paper that costs you $80,000.

All this and more on this week's episode! Don't forget to join us on DISCORD, and support us on PATREON or by BUYING A SHIRT!



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