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This is it, the last HWIDG episode from 2020. Surely from now on we wont have anything to be angry about, right? Our arbitrary calendar system definitely puts a hard stop on the government screwing you over, companies being greedy, and people generally being stupid. So throw away those riot shields that have 2021 stamped on them, because nothing bad could happen once the frigid cold of January rolls around and 8 million people have lost their homes-oh. Uh, well... look forward to the actual Hunger Games, folks!

- Traveler's Tales
- DC Film Multiverse
- The Slide Into Degeneracy
- A Lack of Archival

Like Call of Duty and Sports games, you can always count on the Lego games to have the smallest of changes and a new coat of paint every entry. Yet, like an idiot Tab keeps buying them. He swears he wont buy Lego Star Trek once it rolls around but we know better. He'll finally join the ranks of shut-ins everywhere, spending hours perfecting his three-way Crusher-Worf-Troi lovechild.

DC. You keep on shooting yourself in the foot. Trying to build a vast cinematic universe like Marvel, but putting in none of the work. NOT THAT YOU HAVE TO. YOU HAVE BATMAN. AND SUPERMAN. Sure, Marvel was all the rage in the 90s and now with the MCU, but they sold off the rights to their biggest heroes and are only now bringing them back in. And now you want to do a weird Multiverse film universe? Just make good movies. Iron Man was no one's favorite superhero. He got one season of a cartoon in the 90s and was most well known as a Marvel vs. Capcom staple. You on the other hand, have Batman. Why you're not making dollars hand over fist with movies that he's in boggles me and my past 12 year old's mind.

"From now on we vow to live a purely wholesome lifestyle. The devil's cabbage and his brew are no longer welcome. We will meet every night to sing the lord's praises. Nonsecular media is BANNED. Our women will wear frocks, gowns, and bonnets, and will show nary an ankle. THESE ARE OUR DEMANDS FOR THE WORLD." This guy is crazy, right? We can all agree to that. But is it any more crazy than "I am NOT a sexual object. Do NOT send me dick pics. I am a QUEEN and right now pictures of my chocolate starfish are 30% off for the Holidays and the whole family is invited!"

No one goes to libraries anymore except weirdos that still read and homeless dudes looking to get their rocks off to this month's National Geographic's Ladies of the Sahara special issue. Museums? You get dragged to them as a kid, and they don't make it cool, so they suck. This and the instant gratification of the internet has led to a lack of options to archive media. Not only that, but it's gone further and now companies and artists are following the Snapchat way and making things like video only available for a limited time. ON THE INTERNET. Am I crazy or does no one else care?

All this and more on this week’s episode! Don't forget to join us on DISCORD, and support us on PATREON or by BUYING A SHIRT!



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