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October is almost over and with it ends the Halloween Season and begins the worst season of the year, pretending to love jesus season. But while the unseasonably warm weather sticks around, take your tarp off and listen while we talk about these great pleasures.

Mash Ups
Going Topless

A good mash up is hard to find, a good mash up takes the greatness of two things and puts it together into something greater than the two originals while still keeping the uniqueness intact. When you do find it though, you smash that shit into your face like there is no tomorrow.

Centuries ago there was cool shit on one side of the river, and you were not on that side. You got tired of your oxen dying so we created a bridge. That brought two sides of the river now together. We don't have enough bridges in this day and age, we need more of them, so reach out to your mentally deranged family member and build a bridge today.

It is awesome, when some useless creative director says some dumbass thing, and then the whole internet has to blow that guy a new asshole. You bring it on yourself too. You could just say you didn't fully think through your stupid statement, so when you don't and then you DOUBLE DOWN, it's great to see the tidal wave of people blasting that ass out.

Why do we constrain all the tihdies in these goddamn shirts? Let them free! Also free yourself from the roof of your car. Go get a sawsall right now and cut the roof off of your car.

Thanks for supporting the show this month, be sure to go Vote for November's Movie Commentary! The only vote that really matters.



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